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Privacy Policy for AI OCR

Privacy Policy for AI OCR

Effective Date: [16 Agu. 2024]

Welcome to AI OCR, provided by Orion Studio Pet, Ltd. and its affiliates. We prioritize the privacy and security of your data. This Privacy Policy details the information we collect, use, and share about you when you use our websites and applications, collectively referred to as "Our Services".


1.What data do we collect?

a. Voluntary Information

   (1) Registration Information: This includes details like your password, email address, or phone number provided during service registration.

   (2) User-Generated Content: We collect documents or images you upload for OCR processing or document conversion to PDF.

   (3) Transaction Information: Information about your purchases such as transaction timing or subscription expirations.

   (4) Contact Information: Your email address captured when you reach out for support or feedback.


b. Automatically Collected Information

   (1) Device Data: Details about the device used to access our services, including IP address, device model, and operating system.

   (2) Cookies: Data collected through cookies to facilitate and enhance your user experience.

c. Third-Party Information

   (1) Social Media and Login Services: Information from third-party services such as Google when you log in through them.

   (2) Information from Partners: We may combine your data with information from our partners to improve service delivery.

   (3) Other Sources: Data about you collected from publicly available sources.


2.How we use your data?

a. Service Provision: We use your information to fulfill service requests and for internal functions like troubleshooting and research.

b. Service Improvement: We improve and develop our services and conduct product development.

c. Safety and Security: Enhancing the safety of Our Services and detecting abuse, fraud, and illegal activities.

d. Communication: Using your data to communicate with you about updates and changes.

e. Legal Compliance: To meet our legal responsibilities.

f. Other Uses: We use your information for additional purposes based on legal justification.

3.Security of Your Data


a. Security Measures: We prioritize the security of your data by implementing standard industry practices such as encryption, 2-step verification, and enforcing strict confidentiality obligations for employees and contractors.

b. Incident Response: In the event of a data incident, we will inform you according to legal requirements about the incident details, potential impacts, measures taken, and suggestions for risk mitigation through various communication methods. If individual notification is impractical, we will issue a public Security Notice.

c. Ongoing Security Management: We maintain a high level of data security oversight through a dedicated data security commission led by a Data Protection Officer. This commission coordinates data security processes and conducts regular risk assessments. For more details or to contact our Data Protection Officer, email


4.How We Store Your Personal Data

a. Data Collection and Use: We collect, store, and use your personal data in compliance with this Privacy Policy and applicable laws, regardless of where it is processed.

b. Local and Cloud Storage: Your data may be stored locally on your devices and is also replicated on our servers when you sync your devices with our service. We utilize Google Cloud Services to host your data securely, employing advanced security measures to protect against unauthorized access, data loss, and other risks.

c. Compliance Across Jurisdictions: We adhere to data privacy laws specific to your location, ensuring that our data handling practices conform to both local and international regulations.


5.How We Share Your Personal Data


We respect your data privacy and share your information only under specific circumstances:


a. With Your Consent:We share your data with third parties only after obtaining your explicit consent, as permitted by law.

b. For Legal Reasons: We may share your data when required by law or to respond to legal processes.

c. With Affiliates: Your data may be shared within our corporate group for legitimate and explicit purposes, and only the necessary data is shared.

d. With Third Parties: We share your data with third-party service providers to enhance our services. This includes payment services like Apple Pay or Google Pay, storage solutions like Dropbox, and analytics services like Firebase. We also share non-identifying information with advertisers, with options available for you to limit ad tracking on your devices.

We ensure all data sharing is lawful and secure, accompanied by strict non-disclosure and data processing agreements with third parties. We recommend reviewing the privacy policies of any third-party services you use.


6.Your Rights and Choices Regarding Data


a. Access, Correction, and Portability: You can manage your basic account data directly in the app. You also have the right to request a copy of your data in a readable format by contacting us.

b. Withdraw Consent: You may revoke consent by adjusting the app or device settings, which may affect service functionality.

c. Deletion: You can request account deletion or remove specific data like uploaded photos directly in the app. Deletion requests can be made under certain conditions, such as no longer needing the data or unlawful processing.

d. Restrict Processing: If you wish to limit how your data is processed, contact us. You can request this where your data is unlawfully processed, or if you need it retained for legal claims or contest its accuracy.

How to Delete Your Account: If you wish to delete your AI OCR account, please contact us at Our support team will guide you through the process and confirm the deletion of your account and all associated data.


Note: To protect your privacy and the privacy of others, identity verification may be required for these requests. Requests can be denied if they risk the privacy of others or are unlawful.


7. How We Process Children's Data


Our services are not designed for individuals under 16, and we do not intentionally collect data from anyone in this age group. We take the protection of children's information seriously. If you suspect that we have inadvertently collected information from someone under 16 without parental consent, please contact our Data Protection Officer at for immediate action to address the issue and remove the data if necessary.


8.Cross-border Data Transfers


To deliver our services globally, we comply with applicable data protection laws in your region for managing personal data. For residents of California, for instance, we store personal data solely within the United States. If necessary, we may transfer personal data across borders to ensure service provision, taking appropriate measures to protect your data as outlined in our Privacy Policy. For data transfers from the European Economic Area (EEA), the UK, or Switzerland, we utilize mechanisms like Standard Contractual Clauses and rely on the European Commission’s adequacy decisions.


9.Change to This Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy periodically. Significant changes will be communicated to you through notices or, when legally required, we will seek your consent. Always check the "last updated" date at the top of this policy for the most current version. We may notify you of changes by updating the date at the top of the Privacy Policy on AI OCR or by providing more direct notifications, such as in-app alerts.

10.How to Contact Us

If you have questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or how your data is handled, please reach out to our Data Protection Officer. You can email us at for any inquiries or complaints regarding your personal data.


11.Additional Notice for California Residents (CCPA Compliance)

Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), we prioritize your privacy rights. We collect personal identifiers, transaction details, and activity information but do not sell your personal information. As a California resident, you have the right to know about our data practices, request copies of your personal information, and request deletion of your data under specific circumstances. For any requests or to opt out of data processing, contact us at Verification is required for personal information requests, and we respond within 45 days.


12.Additional Notice for EU/EEA Residents (GDPR Compliance)

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we commit to safeguarding your personal data. Your rights under the GDPR include objecting to processing, accessing, rectifying, erasing, or transferring your data, and withdrawing consent at any time. We process your data only when legally permissible and necessary for the services we provide. Data transfers outside the EU are covered by Standard Contractual Clauses and adequacy decisions. For inquiries or to exercise your rights, contact our Data Protection Officer at


13.Additional Notice for Brazilian Residents (LGPD Compliance)

Under Brazil's Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD), we ensure robust privacy protections. We process your personal information based on legal bases such as consent, compliance with legal obligations, or our legitimate interests, ensuring they do not override your fundamental rights. As a Brazilian resident, you have rights to access, correct, and request deletion of your data, oppose certain processing, and request data portability. Complaints can be made to the ANPD if you believe your data is mishandled. Information transfers outside Brazil are conducted under specific legal conditions. For exercising your rights, contact us as detailed in this Privacy Policy.

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